Affordable Housing Fund (AHF)
The Affordable Housing Fund of Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) provides capital (low-interest loans, forgivable loans, contributions) to partner organizations to build affordable housing and renovate or repair existing affordable and community housing. Partner organizations are those that have established a partnership with another organization at a different level of government and have secured funding.
The program aims to meet the needs of low- and moderate-income households, as well as promoting sustainable and inclusive building practices. It has two main components:
- Construction financing: This component offers low-interest and forgivable loans for the construction of affordable housing. The program focuses on the creation of energy-efficient, accessible and inclusive housing, such as mixed-income, mixed-tenure or mixed-use developments that include affordable housing.
- Renovation financing: This component offers low-interest repayable loans and contributions for the renovation and repair of affordable and community housing. Priority is also given to partnerships with governments, non-profit organizations, the private sector and other partners. To be eligible, you must be associated with a level of government. This component focuses on the creation and repair of affordable, energy-efficient and accessible housing in mixed-income, mixed-tenure and mixed-use developments that include affordable housing.
For both components, priority is given to partnerships between governments, non-profit organizations, the private sector and other partners. To be eligible, you must be associated with a level of government to coordinate investments.